May blog post

News and jottings from this month at the writing desk.

Happy May time, or Beltane if you’re into the witchy woo stuff. I love all things mystical, and have lots of tarot packs, several crystal balls, and tons of crystals I wear and use all the time. Also numerology is getting quite addictive. Today I am using Elemental Power oracle cards. If you’d like a card for inspiration, let me know in the comments, and I’ll pick one out for you. I’ll put the one I’ve just picked out on FB though I keep getting locked out for some reason. Don’t think I’m ignoring you if I don’t reply, or hang around much. It’s acting a bit strange, so I’ll probably switch to Instagram, as the other place is a bit random these days as well.

I write the date in my daily journal, and can’t resist adding all the numbers together. For instance, today is 15/05/2024 = 20 + 8 = 28 = 10 =1 A day of new beginnings, getting things moving and being your best self. Even if that’s relaxing and doing nothing, if your body needed that, it’s alright. Maybe you’ve started a new project with crafts, or outdoor pursuits.

I knitted another pair of socks, and finishing a jumper I started last year, and only just found it out. I need to get rid of a lot of the junk email places I’ve subscribed to over time, and they keep pinging into my inbox, it’s a job to keep up with deleting before I’ve even read the darn things.

Finished my WW1 story now, so going over that and putting the last bits and pieces into it. I’ll put the elemental power oracle cards on my Tarot Crystals and Palmistry page. Once you’ve had tarot and crystals, and palmistry in you life you can’t live without them, and the messages that come along all the time.

I’ve been entering a lot of competitions, lately, and the best win for me yet, is one of those Clean pro gadgets in rose quartz colour, and with a real rose quartz to massage your face. It buzzes on slow, quicker, faster and buzzzzzzzz. It’s funny, but great for a professional face clean and lift. At first I thought I’d won a load of cleaning products, as I entered a comp for those as well. But much happier with the Go Pro. This is it… Loving it so far. It was in a magazine called Kindred Spirit. It’s out every three months, the next one’s the end of May.

Reading a book at the moment, by Jo Jo Moyes, Still me. It’s the third in the set, following You before Me, and after You. Always great reads. So now I am into the editing for a while, before starting on something new. Will keep you updated with that.

Enjoy the rest of the Beltane, May time,

Cast a spell, or make a wish,

Imagine, and it’ll come true.

Plant some seeds, bake a cake,

Brew some herbal tea.

Whatever your choice,

have some fun,

Until the day is done.

More news next time.

Suzy Doodling

February Newsletter

Hello everyone, hope your journey into springtime is going well. The year is zipping along, and what possessed me to tell you last month that I read a book a month. More than that now I come to log them down.

Finished dinner lady detectives, a Christmas pressie from sister Sal, and also read a great charity shop find, The Flower Girl Cockney saga by Maggie Ford. Set during 1902-5 and great atmospheric writing with pea soupers, and horses and carriages. I will definitely be looking for more from this great writer. One I’m looking out for is Rag and Bone Girl. Also downloaded on my kindle is The Girl from the Workhouse by Lynn Johnson. Set a little later on, and in the potteries region.

For uplifting reading, I’m going through Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill. I knew I’d read this before, and then spotted it in my parents bookcase. Great for getting in the mindset for creative thinking and positive thinking as well. And today Dolly came through the letterbox, well, through the front window actually as the postie was about to go through the gate and up the alley, so I opened the window and Dream more, by Dolly Parton landed.

Apart from her brilliant song writing and singing, she’s someone to admire, and this book is all about her reading library for children. Getting children everywhere to read. And lots of funny little quotes and messages from the lady who has the best voice ever and personality to match, not to mention great in every way. So that’s on my list for this month. On my kindle is A Penny dip Meg Hutchinson’s autobiography. It’s great so far, so that’s in the February list.

On my list for the rest of this month is Sara Davies – We can all make it – autobiography of my favourite dragon, from the den. I love how she’ll say, in her warm Northern accent; ‘I haven’t a clue about this business, bur a like you! Then she does he charming smile and they know she’s with them on their pathway of dreams.

Re reading my own Murder in the Village, and loving it – well you have to blow your own trumpet don’t you? I often dip into How to make a living as a writer, by James Scott Bell. It’s like a writing bible, and always puts me in a great mood for writing.

All this reading, including crystal reiki healing, you might wonder if I’m doing any writing. Yes is the answer to that. I’m on chapter 8 of one chapter 4 of another and gathering notes for a non fiction. And, I am diary writing every day. Sometimes things in life aren’t quite how we’d like them to be. As long as we do our very best in any given situation, and tell our loved ones how much we love them every day, if we can, then things are a lot brighter. Putting all thoughts into a diary, often help so that you can really write down how you’re feeing about a situation, and don’t go saying things you might not want repeating.

I’ve also completed a complicated jig saw where they give you the picture and you have to guess what happens next!! Trouble brewing was the title where a hen do and lots of others were having a tour of a brewery. The finished item had an explosion which saw the hens in a dingy of brew, drinking through a straw, the tour guide hanging from a rail and everyone looking shocked. Don’t mind one a year of those, but great to be back reading and writing. More news next month. And my latest pocket novel will be on the shelves midway through March.

Looking for fairies and tropics has arrived plus a great giveaway.

There’s nowhere like Warwickshire when the bluebells appear in the woodlands. Ann and Sophie have the same thoughts on a warm sunny April afternoon. Sophie is on the hunt for fairies.

Bluebell woodfairy huntANN = SOPH

You never know when they may appear and glad to see she found them. Good to see magic in the air. Hope you’re enjoying the Easter break and doing things you enjoy.

FAiry houseIt’s been a while since I’ve blogged, so to make up for that I’m doing a giveaway. Not one or two but three of my Redington paperbacks to give you some great sunshine reading. It’s a collection of short stories set in Norfolk, a mixture of happenings and characters to keep you entertained for a while. Obviously if you’ve read the book you wouldn’t want another one, so only for people who haven’t already got one can apply. Just pop a comment saying why you’d like one, and good luck if you have a go.smaller pic

Other great news is my tropics skin-care storybook has arrived. It’s called the story book of skin care as it’s adapted to what you need. Here’s mine on the right, and a tropical day in Torquay on the left.

The complete boxed set has cleanser, toner, moisturiser, green serum for lovely skin, face mask full of natural products, see more here.

They really work well and if you want to know more about that, let me know and I can put you in touch with Ann, who will give you more information. PHOTO-2019-04-16-21-41-24PHOTO-2019-04-16-21-41-27Redington books

Enjoy the weekend, and get your name in the comments box if you’d like a free signed copy of my book.

In the Garden


Having a relaxing Sunday in our garden. Me and Alan have been enjoying some quiet time smelling the flowers and doing not much other than having a chat and dinner on the courtyard round the back.


petuniaspurple petunias             Can you see how much I love petunias?






Alan’s off to the back yard after looking around our colourful borders. There’s a table waiting in the Courtyard Café.

Whatever you’ve got planned this week, have fun and don’t forget to smell the flowers.


The Winner is…

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Congratulations to Sally J, the winner of Murder in the Village. Alan drew your name out of the pepper pig pot a while ago.

pepper pig

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Well done, Sally



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The winner is…

Your signed copy will be on it’s way next week if you could email your postal address please. Or p.m me on facebook. Well done.

Thank you to everyone who had a go at winning my latest book. Jan, Honoria, Maggie, Nick, Rosemary, Amy and Navedeep.

Here’s the link if anyone would like to buy it, and there will be more giveaways on the blog later on. To enjoy the first in the series of Redington, that one is here.

If you’d like to see the other works I’ve done along the way, these are found on this link.

The garden is looking good at the moment, have a look at these.

sunflowerssunflower 1two sunflowers

You wouldn’t be surprised that I have an idea for a book with the word sunflower in the title for later on in the year. Still working on the Caribbean story, and looking forward to the RNA conference next Saturday. Have a good week, and more news after the conference.

Latest news

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Here’s what’s coming soon, and there will be a giveaway on the blog, so watch out for that.

Looking forward to the RNA conference in July, and meeting up with other pocket novelists and romatic authors.

I’m busy writing my next story, which hopefully should be finished before long. I’m on chapter 10 of 15, and if you’d like a taster… of course you would, then here it is…


“I don’t feel guilty for keeping you here; you should be working, but I’m selfish and you wanted to know more about life in the Caribbean, so let’s compromise.” Broderick took her hand and smiled. “How about if I show you some of the more interesting parts of the island, and then later on, I’ll cook while you relax.” He pulled her towards him. “You’re fun to have around.” He laughed, “That’s when you’re not crowning my friends over the head with breakfast plates or spiralling yourself over the edge of my hammock and landing in heap on the grass.” Broderick stifled a laugh and offered his arm.

Serena forced her thoughts away from the beach, and linked her arm through his. “Don’t fret too much, you’re hardly keeping me prisoner. I could have gone back over to Neptune, and maybe I should have, because the longer I stay here, it’s as if…” She didn’t want to say it, but the island of a thousand shells was beginning to grow on her enormously and now that Agwe had taken the children back to the small-holding for a salad lunch with Daniel, she was all alone, with her own Robinson Crusoe.


Hope that makes you want to know more. It does me, so I’d better get on and finish it.

The garden is looking fab, and we have lettuce quite often, but a bowl of chips pops in with it now and again. There’s flowers on the tomato plants and mini cucumbers on the mini-munch variety. Our little grandaughter loves to help water them and is our number one tester of strawberries. She has to eat at least six or seven to see if they’re suitable for the rest of us.


Enjoy the sunshine and more garden photos when the sunflowers are out.

Anyone for lettuce?

We’re fully stocked with salad leaves. At the moment it’s all year round lettuce, spinach and rocket leaves available in the kitchen garden. And growing on we have yellow courgettes, mini munch cucumber, tomatoes, money maker are my favourite variety. As well, we have normal cucumber, green courgettes, dwarf beans, and dwarf peas, lots of herbs and tons of strawberries with heaps of flowers on them as well.

Good job the garden is looking rosy as we’re having the house re-vamped and it’s going to be a bit of a building site during the summer months


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Front border


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In writing news, this will be available soon.

And I’m busy working on my next pocket novel, which is a romantic story set in the Caribbean, so off there now. So I’m going to have some chopped pineapple to eat while I’m sailing away… Up to chapter 6, and more news on that as it develops.

Enjoy the lighter nights and mornings. It’s getting light at half past four in the morning now when I go out to my cleaning job.

skunkAnd the great thing is I’m all done by coffee time.sun


Are you seeing signs of springtime around and about? Here’s a few pictures I captured in the garden earlier that show it’s only a matter of time before we have an explosion of colour and prettiness abound.

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Hope you enjoy the array of springtime flowers.

Do you remember I was going to have a wardrobe chuck-away? Well I have thrown lots away, and taken pics of things I’m keeping to see what I’ve got and what I need to buy, if anything. Jeans and a top would be good, also maybe some new gym gear. Didn’t realise how many floral dresses I have, but it’s obvious how much I adore vintage clothing, and I quite like the boho look with things like this.

pict0082.jpgpict0083.jpgThis top and skirt always feel special and go great with black boots.

I also like knitted jumpers, here’s one (in red) I made earlier. I’m lucky as our Mum loves knitting and keeps me supplied with some classical creations. The blue one is called Miss Marple, so I might be on the trail looking for clues later this week.


pict0057.jpgI found this in a vintage shop in town and had money knocked off because the lady knows our Son, good to have friends in the right places. I wear it with this jacket.

pict0068.jpgA pair of wedges in the same colour and a bright pink belt tops it all off.

And… the winner of the book giveaway is… the lovely, Rosemary Gemmell.


Well done, and thanks to all who entered. The book will be on it’s way to you early in the week, Rosemary.


Have a great week, and enjoy the springtime.

Riviera days

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Just back from a few days in the English Riviera.

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This time we found time to go on the Torquay Eye, that’s the view from the top.

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We also had chance to check up on the country estate, it was in a bit of a state, but the gardens are fabulous. Anybody know where it is? Well worth a look around to see how elaborate the building is and the gardens are spectacular with a team working on them all year round.

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To this is the house, and these are the gardens… isn’t it fab? And talking about fab, this was the treat to end a lovely few days. (Below)

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Sunny Afternoon was opening in the Princess theatre, Torquay on the last night of our hols.

The story of how the Kinks began and their rise to fame, and how they got banned from America after a short time. Great music and towards the end, the cast of young people who had danced and sang the story took a bow and the Kinks played Lola, sunny afternoon, dedicated follower of fashion and lots more. The whole thing was written and narrated by Ray Davies, lead singer. Well worth the price of the tickets, and those songs stay in your mind for quite a while.. La la la Lola, la la la la Lo – oh la… and days is one of my fave songs as well. This was the same ending we saw, only ours was better.. Go and see it if you get chance. Have a great week. I’m working on my third pocket novel.



From the oxford dictionary

The universe seen as a well-ordered whole. ‘he sat staring deep into the void, reminding himself of man’s place in the cosmos’

 A system of thought.

‘the new gender-free intellectual cosmos’
An ornamental plant of the daisy family, which bears single dahlia-like flowers and is native to Mexico and warm regions of America. (And some gardens in the Midlands)


A few months ago, I was given a book to read and inbetween the pages was a pack of free seeds from a gardening magazine. Now seeing as it would have been rude not to plant them, I had a vast amount of cosmos plants within a week or two. They grow quite quickly and end up taller than I could have imagined. They remind Alan of stars and when they sway in the wind, I can see what he means. Wonder if that’s how they were named? From now on, I’ll be planting a tray of cosmos every year.

It’s that time of the year when I had a trip to the hairdressers, so here’s my snazzy new look with a shorter, more snappy style. Don’t expect it’ll stay like it for long, so you have to get a photo don’t you? Enjoy the crispy days of autumn, and make the most of this lovely spell we’re having.

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Sue’s new hairdo

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Alan having a break from car cleaning


Popped in to the library while I was waiting for my appointment at the hairdressers, and look what I found on the shelves. Not only that, when I looked at it, they’ve given it a strong covering of thick plastic, and from what I can see it’s been well read. I’m sure several people have taken a trip to the Norfolk village.

library-bookHave a great weekend, and if you can, pop into your local library. They need our support otherwise they might be gone one day and that would be tragic.