March giggle blog.

I’ve taken up swimming again. Our Son goes to the gym in the same leisure centre. I nabbed a lift with him the other day. After, when we came out, he needed a present for someone, from the Co-op. As we were leaving, my Sister pulled up, so we had ten minutes for a chat. We said we’d been gyming and swimming. She told us that her daughter had started going to Pilates, and soon it would be changing to yoga. She reminded me, (and I knew what she was going to say) of a time when her daughter came with me, to a yoga class. We had to take a blanket and pillow, which seemed strange. At the end of the yoga session, the instructor told us to get our pillows, wrap up in the blanket, then she put the lights out! The last ten minutes was the chill down time, to warm up as it was cold outside. I vaguely heard a whisper…’Auntie…. Auntie…’ I was so relaxed, perhaps I was dreaming. In no time at all, the lights came on. My niece was holding back her giggles….’Auntie, I tried telling you, but you were too far away to nudge… you were snoring really loud.’

‘Was I?’ So we made a quick exit. Now she can’t do yoga or Pilates without thinking about that event, and giggling. She also reminded me of the time I went with them to see Harry Potter. Can you believe, I fell asleep, and was snoring, loudly again, through the game of quidditch… All that clanging, and it sent me to sleep….

We’ve been on an undercover mission lately. A special birthday surprise involved drilling, putting things up on walls. Drill bits were involved, sockets and spanners. There should have been a sign up, Danger, men at work. Or maybe it should have read, Danger men, at work. How is it that you can have lots of drill bits, but never the right one. That scene in Del boy with the chandeliers came to mind. I was like grandad, passing hammers, holding ladders. First one popped off for a different drill bit. Then another popped off for larger rawl plugs. It’s not ideal to get the giggles while holding a ladder, nor while trying to drill when you’re up a ladder. We all had a ‘queer’ moment when we asked.

‘Does the person who lives here know we’re doing this?’

‘No,’ added to it that the place actually belongs to someone else! All ended well, as the person who it was for was pleased:)))

Find something to giggle about every day. If you don’t, that means you’re not looking hard enough.

This giggle post is in memory of the highly talented John Sullivan, for all the laughs.

Chandelier clip….. skip over that annoying advert.

More gigglers wanted. All you have to do, is post once a month, anything that’s made you giggle lately…… So far we have four gigglers.

Me, Lynne, Teresa, and Busy Teapot. Who’ll be next?

20 thoughts on “March giggle blog.

  1. Another lovely blog post, Sue. I do like a giggle and could relate to the Yoga story – instead of relaxing, I have to fight so hard not to ‘drop’ off as I’m afraid of ‘noisy breathing’ as I like to call it that I think it defeats the whole point of the winding down part of the session!! I adored ‘Fools and Horses’ too. 😉

  2. Lots to giggle about this month, Susan ~ I can align with so much of what you’ve written! Not long after we moved to the island, I was invited to a ‘Full Moon Meditation’ in a newly acquired friend’s house. There were four of us ~ the others belonged to a deeply spiritual group, so it was a serious ceremony for them and I think they were considering asking me to join. But my head kept dropping forward as I fought the urge to sleep and I guess I started snoring. I kept snapping it back with an involuntary snort, which woke me up! I felt so embarrassed ~ and was never asked back, although none of them commented on my rude behaviour, bless them! I loved that ‘Fools and Horses’ episode too ~ it was classic! Thanks for the giggles and here’s to a fun~filled month! 🙂

    • Hi Jacqueline. Glad you liked the giggles. It was you who said so many times to my comments that they made you giggle that gave me the idea of a giggle blog, so thanks to you, we now have regular gigglers…..xx The Full Moon Meditation would make a great fiction story….making me giggle picturing you trying to stay awake..

  3. Well you certainly made me giggle – you must have been so beautifully relaxed 🙂
    I love that chandelier clip and the thought of you doing your own version of it. John Sullivan gave us so many giggles and I’m smiling now just remembering some of them.
    I’m off to do my giggle now 🙂 x

  4. I started snoring as a side affect to an illness. Hubby never told me until after I got treatment and stopped. I thought that was sweet – especially as I whack him if he ever snores.

    • Welcome to the gigglers Deborah, great to have you in the giggle ring. All you need to do, is every month, usually in the first week; just post anything that might have made you giggle lately. Even if it’s a small thing, and it made you smile, share it… spread the giggles. As Lynne says, we all need more giggles. Thanks for popping in, and look forward to sharing giggles….

  5. Love the idea of you lying there, snoring. I used to help out at an exercise class, many years ago now, and one man, Ray, always fell asleep at the end. Personally, I never suffer from insomnia as meditation or the rest at the end of yoga always put me to sleep.

    • And me Lynne. I’d sleep anywhere. Especially in the winter months. Not so bad now the mornings and evenings are getting lighter. Gives you a bit more energy. Enjoyed your latest column in the magazine, about getting on with the writing. You always seem to say exactly what I’m thinking to myself. Psychic Lynne at your service…

  6. I always find something funny that makes me giggle, eve when my mood is not in the best situation. Nice post, Susan. Laughter is a good tonic!

  7. Hi Julia, thought you were calling me eve then? You meant even.. of course. yes, I’m not a total clown, but I like to smile and laugh a lot. Then others laugh with you….thanks for popping by.

  8. Love the Only Fools and Horses clip, even though I’ve seen it dozens of times and know what’s coming I can’t help giggling at it.
    There’s nothing wrong with snoring at the end of a yoga session – it proves you’re properly relaxed!

    • Hi Linda, some funny things are timeless aren’t they, and no matter how many times we see them they’re still funny. Thanks for popping by. How’s the story for P.f. coming along?

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