Getting back to blogging

Has blogging gone out of fashion? Or is there still people who prefer it to the immediate fast moving platforms?

I’d be interested to know what you think.

Word press is my website now as I let the old one lapse, so will be posting all writing news on here.

Did I tell you I have a book out on 1st November and 1st December. Published by Linford Romance in large print. They’ll be useful for me now with my eyesight.

Posting a unicorn clock here because I like the picture. And I sell them, have to mention these things don’t we?

I still have hopes for getting my other books published with a large publisher, and will be looking into that one day.

Be back soon. xxxxxx

8 thoughts on “Getting back to blogging

  1. I like blogging as it is a more permanent record for oneself and others, whereas in other media it is quite difficult to find a particular post again. I have often had to rely on my blog for some info/date. I also enjoy hearing what others are getting up to – but maybe I’m curious by nature.

  2. I’m not sure about blogging. I have a blog but sadly never seem to have time to create posts. The trick I think is to be consistent and build your brand. If you build it they will come!! I must try harder!

  3. I’ve been wondering about blogging, too. I can see from the stats that people are still reading what I post, but I get very few comments. Is that because it’s not comment-worthy or because people just don’t want to engage? Or are we all just weary? Who knows. However, I’m going to keep posting, because I need to keep writing.

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