May blog post

News and jottings from this month at the writing desk.

Happy May time, or Beltane if you’re into the witchy woo stuff. I love all things mystical, and have lots of tarot packs, several crystal balls, and tons of crystals I wear and use all the time. Also numerology is getting quite addictive. Today I am using Elemental Power oracle cards. If you’d like a card for inspiration, let me know in the comments, and I’ll pick one out for you. I’ll put the one I’ve just picked out on FB though I keep getting locked out for some reason. Don’t think I’m ignoring you if I don’t reply, or hang around much. It’s acting a bit strange, so I’ll probably switch to Instagram, as the other place is a bit random these days as well.

I write the date in my daily journal, and can’t resist adding all the numbers together. For instance, today is 15/05/2024 = 20 + 8 = 28 = 10 =1 A day of new beginnings, getting things moving and being your best self. Even if that’s relaxing and doing nothing, if your body needed that, it’s alright. Maybe you’ve started a new project with crafts, or outdoor pursuits.

I knitted another pair of socks, and finishing a jumper I started last year, and only just found it out. I need to get rid of a lot of the junk email places I’ve subscribed to over time, and they keep pinging into my inbox, it’s a job to keep up with deleting before I’ve even read the darn things.

Finished my WW1 story now, so going over that and putting the last bits and pieces into it. I’ll put the elemental power oracle cards on my Tarot Crystals and Palmistry page. Once you’ve had tarot and crystals, and palmistry in you life you can’t live without them, and the messages that come along all the time.

I’ve been entering a lot of competitions, lately, and the best win for me yet, is one of those Clean pro gadgets in rose quartz colour, and with a real rose quartz to massage your face. It buzzes on slow, quicker, faster and buzzzzzzzz. It’s funny, but great for a professional face clean and lift. At first I thought I’d won a load of cleaning products, as I entered a comp for those as well. But much happier with the Go Pro. This is it… Loving it so far. It was in a magazine called Kindred Spirit. It’s out every three months, the next one’s the end of May.

Reading a book at the moment, by Jo Jo Moyes, Still me. It’s the third in the set, following You before Me, and after You. Always great reads. So now I am into the editing for a while, before starting on something new. Will keep you updated with that.

Enjoy the rest of the Beltane, May time,

Cast a spell, or make a wish,

Imagine, and it’ll come true.

Plant some seeds, bake a cake,

Brew some herbal tea.

Whatever your choice,

have some fun,

Until the day is done.

More news next time.

Suzy Doodling

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