Be inspired.

I’ve been tagged by Juliet Greenwood author of Eden’s Garden, which I was lucky enough to win a while ago.  It’s a brilliant book, and will review it when I’ve read it all.  Puts me in mind of Charles Dickens, with more romance.

So now I’m going to answer Juliet’s questions about my book!!! Well, that’ll teach me to go bragging about a contract.  It’s actually, (she says backtracking only a little bit) a story in a book, but it’s a contract nevertheless.

Remember a while ago I mentioned that Black Coffey Publishing wanted stories for Leaving home for the first time? well, the next book out, second in the series is, ‘Growing up in the 70’s’ I have a story accepted in there.  You’ll notice on the website that the editor Paul Coffey said there were over eighty entries, so wowee, not sure how many stories are in the book.  We get paid, da da da daaaah, how lovely.  It’s an so, I love e.books now naturally.  So, keeping in the spirit I’ll answer Juliet’s questions, and pass on the award.

1. What is the name of your book?

Growing up in the 1970’s

2. Where did the idea for your book come from?

The 70’s is a decade I love, so it was easy to write about that era.

3. In what genre would you classify your book?

All of the stories will be set in the 1970’s.

4. If you had to pick actors to play your characters in a movie rendition, who would you choose?

Anyone good-looking or glamorous of course.


5. Give us a one-sentence synopsis of your book.

The decade of the 1970’s

6. Is your book already published/represented?

Should be published next month.

7. How long did it take you to write your book?

My story took a week or two including editing and re-writing.

8. What other books within your genre would you compare it to? Or, readers of which books would enjoy yours?

Remember that programme on t.v. with Amanda Holden and Brian Conolley?  I think Noddy Holder was in it as well.

9. Which authors inspired you to write this book?

The editor was asking for humour, I love anything funny, especially Terry Pratchett  Not that this resembles Terry Pratchett’s writing in any way though.  I also enjoy anything written by Sue Townsend.

10. Tell us anything that might pique our interest in your book.

I just had to look up pique?  Something to make you bitter. Apart from that it’s published by Black Coffey, notice not coffee, I’m sure nothing would pique your interest in Growing up in the 1970’s.  Maybe if you weren’t part of that decade you’d be piqued…

Thank you Juliet for choosing me.  Now, I tag 5 people with 10 questions about their books.

Patsy Collins.  Escape to the Country.  I’ve read this, it’s brilliant, also I must thank you for blogging about Black Coffey in the first place Patsy.

Sarah Mallory.  The Dangerous Lord Darrington.  Lovely romantic reading.

Karen Clark  Great writer, with a book deal in process.

Rosemary Gemmell  Writer of great romances.  Also adventure.

Teresa Ashby.  One of my favourite short story writers, who now has books on kindle…

Here are my questions to the five lovely ladies above.

1.  What gave you the idea for your book?

2.  How long did it take to write overall?

3.  What kept you going when you were half way through?

4.  Are any of your characters based on real people, even though you have to say they aren’t?

5.  Did you ever wonder if you’d have the work published?

6.  When you’ve had one book published, do you feel under pressure with the next one?

7.  Would you write in a different genre next time, or do you always stick with what you know?

8.  Do you prefer writing a novel, or short stories?

9.  Do you use everyday happenings in your writing?

10.  If your book was to be on t.v. who would play the lead male and female roles?

Thanks Juliet for the award.  Look forward to hearing from Patsy, Sarah, Karen, Rosemary and Teresa.